Hey! If you’ve weighed the pros and cons of owning a home, an important next step is to evaluate your personal and financial readiness. Here are six questions to ask yourself before buying a home:

Question 1: Do I have a regular source of income?
Question 2: Has my income been stable for at least two years?
Question 3: What is my credit score?
Question 4: Do I have a good history of paying bills on time?
Question 5: Will I be able to pay my bills and other debts in addition to mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and repairs?
Question 6: Have I saved enough money for the down payment and closing costs?

You may not be able to answer all of these questions right away, and that’s ok. You can always come back to them once you’re ready. For more information about how to prepare for buying a home, visit southern bank.com/getwell. See you next time on Money Matters.

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