If you don’t recognize a transaction or if you suspect fraudulent activity on your account, please contact your nearest Southern Bank office immediately.
Please note that Southern Bank will never send you an email or a text message requesting personal account information.
July 24, 2013
Beware of “Paid to Drive” Scams
The “paid to drive” scam concept involves using your personal vehicle to advertise a product for a company. Potential victims get an e-mail in which they are told they can make a few hundred dollars per week if they’re willing to wrap their car with vinyl decal advertisements.
Once the individual accepts this easy income opportunity a check is received and the employee is instructed to deposit the check; keeping a specified amount and sending the remaining funds to the graphic artist, who will be putting the ad on their car, via Western Union.
The check eventually comes back fraudulent and the individual owes the bank the full amount of the check.
May 10, 2013
Fraudulent Text Messages
We have become aware of text messages that prompt recipients to call regarding issues with their account. The message references Southern Bank. These texts are an attempt to obtain your personal information. DO NOT reply to this text or call the number provided; simply delete the message.
Text message reads:
[email protected]
({southernbank call 912-303-8092}
401812xxxxxx. ACCNT.issue
Southern Bank and Trust Company does not issue text messages to notify customers of issues with their accounts or debit cards.
April 10, 2013
Fraudulent Text Messages
We have become aware of text messages that prompt recipients to call regarding issues with their debit card. The message does not reference a particular bank, so anyone with a debit card may believe there is a problem and call the number provided. These texts are an attempt to obtain your debit card number, expiration date and PIN in order to perpetrate fraud against your account. DO NOT reply to this text or call the number provided; simply delete the message.
The text originator appears to have the area code and first 3 numbers of the recipient’s phone followed by @detext.com. The body of the text reads:
[smiOneprepaid] Please call 877-673-7393 to verify an issue with your debit card
Southern Bank and Trust Company does not issue text messages to notify customers of issues with their accounts or debit cards.
August 23, 2012
Fraudulent Calls: Beware of Caller Purporting to Represent Southern Bank
We have become aware of fraudulent calls being received by our customers. Reports to date indicate the following content for 3 different calls:
An automated message stating that your ATM card has been restricted. At present, it is unknown what occurs after that automated message as recipients of the call have immediately hung up the phone and contacted their local branch.
Recipients of the second call state the caller identifies himself as a representative of Southern Bank and asks for your debit card number and PIN. While Southern Bank does work to identify potential fraudulent debit card activity and may contact our customers, we DO NOT ask for your PIN.
Third caller’s message warns of an Emergency Security Breach.
Each of the scenario calls referenced above are fraudulent; these are attempts to get your personal information, also known as “phishing”. Should you receive a call, as described above, please respond only: “I will contact my local branch”, hang up and immediately notify someone at your local Southern Bank branch. If you are able to provide the caller’s phone number that would be very helpful in our efforts to shut down this phishing expedition.