(Kristen) Welcome to Money Matters at 757 with Justin Chastain, and, Justin, today we are talking about preparing for the unexpected. So, how do we get started? There’s a lot of unexpected right?

(Justin) That’s life right? But the biggest key is to start small. You do not have to worry about having all of your goals or your emergency fund funded the next day. You know, again, if you start with baby steps, have trusted advisors, and make it fun, it’s a much simpler process.

(Kristen) That’s great. Now, there are a couple of small things that people can do right away?

(Justin) That’s exactly right. So, again, we encourage people to have a digital trusted advisor, so using things like Mint or Every Dollar. My Dashboard is what we use at our bank. And what that does is it aligns your values with your spending, and if that’s even starting with $50 for something you’re throwing away, you don’t need, you can put towards that emergency fund.

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