(Kristen) Welcome to Money Matters at 757 with Justin Chastain. And, Justin, how about some advice for our new grads out there that are going to start making that transition from what we call the college budget to a real paycheck?

(Justin) Good luck! I kid, because that’s the advice that most of us got. The reality of it is you can do little things to make personal finance fun, whether you’re in high school or you’re a teenager thinking about the real world. If you can set up things in advance like using digital technology or talking about money, the easier that transition will be when you get into the real world.

(Kristen) And that’s a great tip for being overwhelmed is using that technology, right?

(Justin) For sure. And make sure when you establish a financial institution they have trusted advisors that can walk you through plans to show you how to use it.

(Kristen) 100 percent. So always have someone to back you up.

(Justin) For sure.

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