(Kristen) Welcome to Money Matters at 757 with Justin Chastain. And, Justin, what should business owners really keep in mind when they are applying for a small business credit card?

(Justin) So, the main things they want to think about is what are they going to use the credit card for, and are they established in the business to where they can apply, or do they have enough credit to set up to where the business can structurally support funding a credit card or a line of credit?

(Kristen) Okay, and you talk about keeping them separate. So, do those personal credit cards impact your personal credit?

(Justin) Personal spending, at times, can depend on how the business is set up.

As a general rule, no, but, at the end of the day, if you’re just starting out or how the business is structured, there is a potential, for sure.

(Kristen) Yeah, and to make the decisions on those cards, always go to a trusted advisor.

(Justin) That’s the best advice anybody can get.

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