(Kristen) Welcome to Money Matters at 757 with Justin Chastain, and, Justin, let’s talk mobile banking. So, what are some of the big benefits of this now?

(Justin) So, number one: convenience. Anywhere your mobile phone goes, which it seems like everywhere, which it’s a little odd because I think our mobile phones do everything except talk.

Number two: security. It’s going to give you additional benefits for security as you’re walking through your financial wellness portfolios in there as well.

And, thirdly, I’ll recommend that you look for a mobile app and bank that provides financial wellness tools. Whether that is a spending aggregator or financial wellness classes, but make sure those three things are inside of your mobile banking technology.

(Kristen) Okay, let’s just get to the one big question: Is it safe?

(Justin) For sure. It’s even more secure than the paper format, so yes. Exactly. 

(Kristen) Some people always have that question. We want you to know you are safe with that. Simple question. Simple answer all right. 

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