(Kristen) Welcome to Money Matters at 757 with Justin Chastain. And Justin, none of us are getting any younger. Not saying anything about age, I am the older one here – but when should we start saving, and how much of it should we be saving?

(Justin) As soon as possible, and I would say it’s all based – everybody always gives you these numbers. Experts and advisors, right? But it should be based on what you can do. Start small, and learn fast.

You know, I think so many times we make personal finance unfun or uncool, where a banker comes in with a tie that’s so tight he’s red in the face. The reality of it is, make sure that they’re having realistic expectations with you. Don’t sweat the small stuff. You’ll make mistakes, but you can recover as long as you have a trusted advisor.

(Kristen) Yeah, and I mean just the basic tips for saving, what’s your basic quick tip?

(Justin) Make sure they align with your values, and you don’t overthink it. Develop better habits, start small, and learn fast.

(Kristen) Perfect. I like those tips. I think anybody can do that.

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